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Minimum Wage Part 4 – Wage, Value, and Life Theft

· Means of Production,Minimum Wage,Economics

Wages are market-driven. That means they do not reflect the true value of any position, only what the market can get away with paying. Left to the market, wages would be rock bottom for all workers—even zero. So, in a market economy minimum wage is a legislative requirement for all civilization.

Not being paid the value of the work done, is painful enough. But it doesn’t hurt anyone more than the people who are collecting only minimum wage.

Minimum Wage The actual value, not the market value.

  • Labour theory of value
  • Ownership of the means of production (Coops, and self-employment)

Minimum Wage - Stealing from workers

  • Wage Theft vs time theft.
  • Time theft (corporations steals your time and money, your life)
  • Make you work longer and refuse to pay overtime because it “wasn’t approved”.

Minimum wage - Life theft!

  • Inhumane amount of Paid Vacation, bereavement leave, etc.
  • Workers must pay their own way to work, their own time and not be compensated for it. travel time from their homes.
  • If use car during the work day, the business can write that off as a business expense. But as a private individual, you can’t write off your drive to that business. You pay tax, they don’t.
  • It’s not the workers fault if there is a train…that’s the capitalists (train company’s) fault.  So why should the worker be punished?